Friday, April 10, 2009


More than the configuration of letters to sentences
Means to express sentiments with or without pretenses
At a distance messages won’t get across
Of which for words no one will be at a loss
Action as the only way won’t even speak louder
If manner to communicate is without any other

 Like in thanking well-wishers with a little something
For your good words are indeed very inspiring
Thus special thanks to four beautiful people
Your comments were heartfelt yet simple
Hoping you don’t mind if you’re appreciated this way
Conveying gratitude for how you have made our day

Such sweet anniversary greeting from Lady Java
Having been moved, how appreciative is Mariuca
Shemah’s warmth is likewise heartwarming and real
And though formal, genuineness is felt from Bill
We thank you for your sweet and kind words
The essence of your words has substantiated WORDS…